Donald Satz wrote:

>Harmonia Mundi recently issued the opera "Contadina" by Johann Adolph
>Hasse, a baroque composer whose discography is becoming fairly extensive.
>I have a few Hasse cds and find most of his music well-constructed with
>memorable melodic content such as his opera Cleofide; but, I have heard
>Hasse works which are not highly inspired.

Do you know *La serva scaltra* (a so-called *intermezzo*, a compartively
short opera-like piece)? I heard and taped it (it was recorded this year
live in Potsdam) and was disappointed by it.  Indeed Hasse seems to have
had a very imbalanced output.  I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know this work and if so what are their opinions?
2.  Is anyone familiar with the performers? I am not.  They are:  Gemma
Bartagnolli, Wolfgang Neveria and the Akademia fur Alte Musik conducted
by Bernard Forck.
