John Proffitt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The "Guide" is targeted at classical music neophytes.  It is most
>specifically called a guide to the "Basic Record Library".  It is produced
>by and in conjunction with the NPR network classical music program
>Performance Today, which is the ONLY such program produced and distributed
>7 days a week, 365 days a year by a national network.  Commentator Ted
>Libbey, who is primarily responsible for the Guide, has been a respected
>writer in the field of recorded classical music for many years.

Well said, I used to have a copy of the book and I found it to be a good
beginners guide to the standard repetoire.  Also, I don't think that I
can disagree with any of the recommendations he gives for recordings.

However, I heard an interview with Libbey where he said that he wouldn't
touch anything on the Chandos label with a ten foot pole.  I would hope
that he has revised his opinion since then.  I have many fine recordings on
Chandos and I think that Chandos may have other labels beat when it comes
to sound.

Steve M. (Northern Virginia)