David Runnion wrote:

>Among other things on this site is a description of the Petrucci Project,
>an attempt to create something like a musical version of the Guttenberg
>Project: to create a considerable database of scanned music scores and
>parts available for download of otherwise hard-to-find music.  ...

Some years ago I tried to convince project Gutenberg to create a scores
section.  They were adamant that general midi was all they could do, based
on their idea of the lowest possible level of technology as the limit for
accessibility.  Since, at the time, this did not include a graphics
monitor, anything but midi and a sound card was out

What has made PG survive is the dedication of readers and scanners.  There
are many devoted midi-isers out there, who have done the grunt work of note
entry, which, with some work, could be extended to full scores.  Not only
of unknowns, but of the basic works through the lowering of the copyright
curtain.  there are two major midi sites on the web which have a few
hundred works as a basic starting point, perhaps some connection could
be made there which would give the Petrucci project a big leg up?

Stirling S Newberry
Mp3s: http://www.mp3.com/ssn
War and Romance Radio: http://stations.mp3s.com/stations/8/war_and_romance.html