Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741) is little known for his musical compositions;
his larger reputation comes from his book "Gradus ad Parnassum" which is
the basic treatise concerning counterpoint of the 18th century.

Most of Fux's music consists of operas and sacred choral work.  However, he
did write some instrumental works and the Arcana label has issued volume 1
of Fux's Concentus Musico-Instrumentalis which consists of several suites.

Four of these works are on volume 1.  Lorenz Duftschmid directs the
Armonico Tributo Austria on period instruments.  The liner notes with the
disc strongly point out that the music of Fux deserves much more exposure
that it gets.  That's probably true.  Although I don't hear in Fux the
voice of a master composer, his music is more than just the baroque
wallpaper variety.  In comparing these works with the suites/overtures of
Bach and Telemann, I'd say that they are well below Bach's level and just
a little below Telemann's - that's not bad at all.

The performances seem fine, and the recorded sound is good.  The catalog
number is A 58.

Don's Conclusion - Although hardly essential, the music of Fux is
enjoyable and compares well with most other recordings of baroque
off-the-main-highway fare.

Don Satz
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