Chris Bonds wrote:

>How many grade school kids do you know who compose atonal music?

I don't know any grade school kids who compose any music.  Besides, it's
not a fair question - without exposure to atonal music, kids have never
heard of it, so they certainly wouldn't be composing it.

>I think you interest people in it AFTER they've committed to serious
>musical study.

I think youngsters could become interested in it at any point on the
musical study spectrum, including "ground zero".  Chris has set up quite a
process here.  Adults will not expose children to atonal music until after
serious study ensues - but by that time, they might not be young children
anymore.  What about all the children who receive no serious musical
education? I guess they won't be allowed the opportunity either.  It's a
"catch 22" for atonal music.  Why don't we just ban the stuff and dispense
with the charade of exposure?

Don Satz
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