Richard Pennycuick asks Deryk Barker:

>1. Is this the same Allan Jones?
>2. Does he remember Donkey Serenade?

I'm not Deryk, but I'll answer just the same.

1.  Yes.  It was Jones's big hit.

2.  Yes.  It was my favorite record for a while when I was a toddler.  It
wasn't even my parents' record.  We used to go over to my grandparents'
house every weekend.  My grandparents had this huge cabinet-model 78
turntable and a bunch of old discs:  Schumann-Heink, Caruso, Gallagher
and Shean, George M.  Cohan, "Uncle Josh Buys an Automobile," and "Donkey
Serenade" among them.  I got to choose records and work the machine.

Steve, who hears "a song in the air,/ but the fair/ senorita doesn't seem
to care/ for the song in the air"