Phil Bunker wrote:

>I've been very disappointed at the quality of the sound I'm getting on BBC
>3, especially the sound of a piano. It has a sagging pitch quality that
>makes it unpleasant to listen to.  One of my friends (a real piano "nut")
>has fast cable connection and finds it the same.  I'm certain that this is
>not the way it is received in Britain and wonder why this is happening.
>Does anyone have insight into this?

I'm not clear whether you are talking about their web site or radio

I'm also not sure which country you are in.

Radio 3 has in the past been highly criticised for applying dynamic range
compression to the transmitted sound during rush hours 7-9 AM 5-7 PM BST.
Their reason for doing this is to enable listeners in cars to have a better
experience.  Such crazy reasoning may well be applied to the web site also.

Bob Draper