Richard Pennycuick wrote concerning Doreen Carwithen:

>I have a very attractive Chandos CD (CHAN9524) of two overtures, a suite
>for orchestra and a concerto for piano and strings...  There is also a
>Chandos CD of her chamber music which I've not heard.

I have the chamber music disc (CHAN9596) but not the orchestral one.
I like it a lot - a nice mix of modern and traditional styles.  The
two string quartets are performed by the Sorrel String Quartet which
is currently embarked on a cylce for Chandos of the Shostakovich string
quartets (how well do they handle them?).  The disc also includes a
Carwithen sonata for violin and piano featuring Lydia Mordkovitch who
seems to get uniformly bad reviews in U.S.  magazines.  She does tend
to have an obsession with vibrato.

Don Satz
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