Mimi Ezust:

>Yesterday I heard a St. Matthew Pasion that knocked me out.  It's on
>Harmonia Mundi (and a copy of it will be mine, mine, mine very soon!)
>The counter-tenor was Andreas Scholl.  I had never heard him before.  He
>is absolutely top drawer.  Terrific pitch, wonderful expression, perfect
>Does anyone else know him? Have other works to recommend? I did an internet
>search and I'm going to get his collection of Bach arias, too.
>The entire Passion was fine.  Conducted by Herreweghe.  Highly recommended!

I totally agree about your Herreweghe recommendation.  I just got it and
it is SUPERB.  This is actually his second recording of the Passion.  When
his first recording came out I was really knocked off my feet.  Having
participated and studied the Passion for quite a few times, I thought I
really knew the piece.  Herreweghe however manages to give a lot of fresh
insight in the piece.  Not by being extravagant, but by managing IMHO the
perfect balance between the rethorical aspects of the work and the dramatic
impact.  Sober, to the point, exact, yet so thrilling.  Nothing like the
anabole- steroidal pumped up Gardiners of this world.  And now hear this:
the latest recording is even better.  There are no major new things, but
if anything, the insight has yet deepened.  What superb shaping of the
chorals.  What refined and beautifully phrased orchestral playing and
choral singing.  Great overall view of the work.  And what splendid solo
singing.  Not only Scholl....

But just concentrating on Scholl for a moment: if you want to
be persuaded, just try one of his solos.  Try for instance the arioso:
"Ach Golgotha" and the following aria "Sehet Jesus".  Just listen to
how wonderfull the accompanying hoboe da caccia and the pizzicati on
the strings sound.  And how wonderfull Scholl captures the mood that is
a mix between joyful knowledge of salvation and sadness of death.  Or
try the famous "Erbarme dich".  He is so moving.

This is not just another "intriguing" new release but simply a must-have
for the Bach-maniacs.  Forget about HIP/non-HIP.  This is just music making
as it's meant to be.  Go get it.

We in Europe have had the fortune to know Andreas Scholl for a few years
now, and he is in my opinion the hottest counter around.  If you are
interested in something else, just try e.g.  the Handel Julio Cesare he
recorded with Rene Jacobs on Harmonia Mundi.  Recently he's moved from this
gourmet label to the more mainstream Decca/London.  Let's just hope he will
not be spoiled by the lime-light.

greetings, Jos