Johm Smyth writes:

>Beethoven wrote while deaf and blind, Tchaikovsky while wrestling with his
>homosexuality, and Vaughan Williams whilst sipping tea.  When people sit on
>their couches, CD remote in hand, demanding that the god's muses entertain
>them, it's important to remember that some, (not all), of the gifts that
>they are enjoying are the delightful, (or poignantly moving), results of
>different people looking at things in a different way.

An excellent insight!!!  We have incredible access to the entire history
of music and there is always the temptation to act like emperors of the
musical universe, sitting in judgment of composers and performers,
dismissing entire careers with a clever witticism or a cutting critique.
We need a little humility and a sense that we are fortunate to be able to
appreciate what we have been given.  Most of these people did their jobs
better than most of us do ours.

Bernard Chasan