Ron Chaplin wrote:

>I have a Vox set called Chamber Works by Women Composers, CDX 5029.  It
>introduced me to composers I had never heard before and I like the music.
>...Is this the set you are referring to, Mimi? If it is, what is it you
>dislike so much about about the Macalester Trio?

Chris Bonds just answered it far more elegantly than I would.  In brief,
the first violinist gives string playing a bad name.  He is HORRIBLE.
Rotten intonation, rhythm, phrasing.  But the music is terrific.  Sigh.
Hey, it's just my opinion.  If you like it, enjoy it.  But try to listen
to other groups play the same thing if possible, and judge for yourself.

Mimi Ezust the Blunt