Donald Satz wrote:

>I find a great deal of mystery, bleakness, regret, etc.  in these pieces.
>Some others don't see it that way.  Given my perspective, the Nikolayeva
>on Hyperion is a great match for me.  It's idiomatic, bleak as hell, and I
>love it; the sound stage is just right also.  Her Melodiya set is a little
>better played (technically) but the Hyperion sound wins me over.

I'm one who doesn't see it that way.  I also prefer Nikolayeva to Ashkenazy
or Jarrett, but I find the music more life-afirming than almost anything
else in Shostakovich, though there is a grimness to some of the numbers,
to be sure.

"Richard Todd" <[log in to unmask]>