Tim Dickinson wrote:

>Roger Hecht wrote:
>>2) These
>>orchestras are cheap to record.  Obviously, when you can produce a fine
>>recording at a fraction of the price of one put out by the London Symphony,
>>or more so, moneywise, Berlin or a major American orchestra, you'll do it.
>Aren't all American orchestras paid the same union scale for recording? If
>so, what other costs make it more expensive to record the majors?

American orchestras, yes, but most Naxos orchestral cd's are of European
orchestras.  The union rules in Europe are not as strict nor are they as
petty.  Musicians in Europe seem to want to make music, and thus they are
putting their American counterparts right out of the recording business
by forgoing all of the assinine rules that govern US players.

Kevin Sutton