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Billy Kitson <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:59:16 +1000
text/plain (31 lines)
Len Mullenger wrote:

>NYO and other youth orchestra performances are generally of a very high
>standard because of the commitment of the players, their sheer number, and
>the very adequate rehearsal time usually provided.  This is why they can
>attract top conductors.

Concur totally in each detail = yearS ago B4 I became a Total Baroque
"looney" I used to attend the State Youth Orchestra Concerts = 100%
sponsored - even dressed in "Youthful" Non Black and White Penguin Suits
by a Local Firm; Huge enthusiastic "Gang" of Players; Conductor was "Father
figure"; 24 Cellos if needed:  NO WAGE Bills!!  University provided Venue;
Used to Play ALL the Big Orchestral Pieces & with an Engaging Youthful
"Fun" approach.  Half the audience was related to the players - Aunts,
Uncles, Mums and Dads, and "Grandees"; Plus Sponsors free tickets = soon
fills a Uni Hall!!  Gabrieli done in Quadro Sound from the Balcony and
other parts of the Complex - who cares if 20 Seats have to be MT, and 20
Extra Brass Players employed when Cost is NOT a Problem?? The sad part is
of the approx.  > 100 in the QYO of those Days only the One = the Principal
Celliste seems to be seen anywhere of late = the rest have disappeared
into???.  At the time = the Q'sland Flute

Guild had 1000 members; and there are 4 paid Flautists in the whole
State!?* (At the time 2 of those 4 were on Long-term Government Contracts
and did Not have to Audition "ever again" for their Positions).  Sad:  is
the "Real Worlde"?? BH = we have had the Wettest "wet season" on Record
here; and it is "doing I again" = who needs "La Nina", send back "El
