Hey girls,
I am new to this but I have a question??? I am in Norfolk, Va and I have a
sister-in-law in Lansing Mi who is 9 days post-partum c-section. She is
having trouble latching the baby on due to a large nipple and needs some much
needed help. As you know there is only so much you can do on the phone and
she really needs one on one individual help. He nearest LLL is in Grand
Rapids which is pretty far away I understand and her doctor is recommending
nipple shields which I am not very comfortable with. This happened with the
first child 2 years ago and she is extremely committed to making this work.
If anyone is from up there or who knows anyone you can e-mail me directly or
maybe offer some suggestions on how to help.
Thanks, Jenny Dragisic
WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor and LLL Leader Applicant
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