This last summer, I caught a swarm almost like that. I started with a
plastic bucket with a little honey in it on a rope, and got a few which I
poured into a hive body. My daughter suggested tying the hive body
itself on the rope and pulling it up under the swarm. It worked slick!
In five minutes they all walked down the rope a few inches into the hive
body! Voila! New colony, just like that! I used some old combs that
had no brood in them, but would use a brood frame in there next time.
Neat idea!
Gerry Visel
>From: Sue Slingsby <[log in to unmask]>
>Many years ago someone suggested throwing a long rope over branch in
tree and
>fussed until both sides hung to ground --- attach a frame of brood and
>one end -- raise it to swarm --- most bees and Q will get on and then it
>be re-lowered to ground and placed in hive and rest of swarm will
follow ---
>sure enough it worked for me on several occasions when the bees were out
>reach of ladder or sanity - smile - hope this will help someone with a
>just out of reach.......