According to Odent in Birth and Breastfeeding and Maher in Anthropology of
Breastfeeding (or both from memory) one Indian tribe when choosing warrior
babies did not let the baby have its mother' s breastmilk. (Maher)
describes that in Iceland for 200 years (about 1700's) women did not
breastfeed which resulted not surprisingly in a high infant mortality rate.
An interested doctor and an anthropologist went to Iceland to investigate
the reduced population growth following the " bubonic plague" and
discovered the above described phenomena as well as a high rate of murder!
The doctor re-educated and breastfeeding came back once the women were
given rational reasons.
As statistics in some of our jails demonstrate that many enforced
inhabitants are adopted (read cows milk fed) may be there is something
about breastmilk which prevents war and crime.
In whose interests do nations avoid promoting breastfeeding? I am not
suggesting the army or politicians are making conscious or informed
Beverley Walker
Melbourne Australia.