Hi everyone! I'm back for the time being. Had a great time in California.
Did my "Beauty and the Breast" presentation at Saddleback Community College.
Had one very hostile audience member tell me that she breastfed her twins
for "a really long time -- 7 weeks." At one point, right before she stormed
out, she was heard to mutter "This woman is a nut. Why do they let her run
around loose?"
More to the point -- my dear hubby printed off several pages from "Slate"
magazine from last week. Slate is an on-line magazine published by
Microsoft. These pages were by Robin Wright, and he wrote a lovely and
funny discussion of the wonder and naturalness of breastfeeding and
cosleeping. You can find Slate at www.slate.com
Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Nutrition
Texas A&M University