I think that the discussion on the Conversation website is indicative of what will be a ongoing issue for breastfeeding advocacy throughout the developed world. Writings by people such as Joan Wolf and Hanna Rosin have really locked into the collective imagination of those who do not wish to breastfeed or have needed to use infant formula. Being able to maintain that how a baby is fed "doesn't really matter" resonates strongly with many. There is a need to work out how to respond to this. My personal approach is to look at what is rock solid in terms of the science of infant feeding, look at the nitty gritty and detail and communicate that whilst also recognising where some overstate the strength of the research or clarity of the research in any particular area. I'm interested in what others think.
Karleen Gribble
On 06/02/2013, at 2:28 PM, Gail Hertz wrote:
> I guess I'm surprised that no one has responded to the person who wrote in response to Karleen's article that the benefits of Breastfeeding were overrated. Anyone want to reply to her?
> Gail Hertz, MD, IBCLC, FABM
> [log in to unmask]
>>>>> Just published....
>>>>> https://theconversation.edu.au/mothers-seeking-wet-nurses-need-support-not-scaremongering-11934
>>>> Please comment and engage with the conversation, whether you agree with my opinions or not.
>>>>> Karleen Gribble
>>>>> Australia
>>>> ***********************************************
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