For reflux allergy I would suggest mom go off dairy and nuts first. Then gradually
other foods if not improved enough.
Pancrease MT4 has been found to help breakdown proteins in mom's
diet and decrease colicky symptoms. The starting dosage is two tablets with
meals and one with snacks. There are published articles on using Pancrease with good success.
Mom could push for banked breastmilk if alimentum not working.
How about some Reglan to get her supply up just a bit more? I usually add it to the herbs. Also,
I suspect mom is overfeeding if baby is taking in over 32 oz likely in response to fussiness.
For the tongue tie usually by 6-8 weeks the tongue has grown enough but sometimes it takes
a little longer. I would have her start slow with twice a day for 20 minutes to see if she can
tolerate that and advance if it works. Its rare that a baby does not grow enough to make it work
Good luck. Chris
Christine Betzold NP CLC MSN
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