On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 08:24:37 -0400, Peter L. Borst <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>The important question is not: Are the miticide levels higher than
>external chemicals -- which they would be, of course! -- BUT -- Are
>they high enough to cause any harm? No one has shown that they are.
>They certainly *could* be. Still speculation at this point.
if you listen closely to the Maryann Frazier video, if I recall, she said the levels of self
contamination have approached the LD 50 levels. also we often hear about synergistic potential of
miticides and other external contaminants.
>Short answer: Residues of chemicals exist in all food, including
>so-called organic food.
Thats not the point - we can do better and we should as an industry. Is that really what YOU would
tell YOUR customer?
> You will note that they did NOT detect formic acid, oxalic acid
>or thymol products.
thats one of the reasons why they are called soft treatments because they don't contaminate the
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