<<She was so shocked to learn this because her life experience was women
and babies and breasts.>>
Just a funny story... up until this past summer, my son had his school
speech therapy supplemented by some sessions at the hospital rehab.
While waiting for a session about this time last year (I was 6 mos PG at
the time), one of the staff stopped and tried to engage Liam in
conversation. He asked something about when his new baby sister or
brother would be arriving and then she said "Are you going to help mom
feed the baby?". Liam got an absolutely horrified expression on his
face looked at the woman like she had completely lost her mind and said
"I can't feed the baby. I don't have breasts!" (in a rather loud voice
with a tone of admonishment). The woman didn't know what to do or what
to say so she muttered something about helping with diapers and scurried
off embarrassed. I had to hide behind my book I was laughing so hard.
It was so funny and that woman will probably never ask a child that
specific question again just in case she gets an answer she's not expecting!
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