I got thinking that I may have found a way out:
As a direct-entry IBCLC I have no rights whatsoever under this proposed SoP. I can do more as the LLLL I am for 22 years. But I can teach. I am a fully certified and recognized teacher and may teach anything to anyone with that credential. So I could be a Lactation Teacher and teach moms about breastfeeding theory and practice, teach them about working on problems, even problems of medical sources. Why bother being an IBCLC anymore? Just as the RN who uses the IBCLC-credential as a nursing specialization, I would only use it as a teaching specialization.
Still, it doesn't feel right to have to seek for sneaky ways around this SoP.
Gonneke, IBCLC, LLLL in southern Netherlands, where Daffodils are shouting "It's springtime"
Rachel Myr <[log in to unmask]> wrote: Regina, and Royce, and all y'all who have posted on this thread,
I was stunned to read those words from someone at IBLCE, about how the scope
of practice supposedly wasn't meant for people like myself who already hold
a credential which is the basis for their practice. In my case as a midwife
the IBCLC has functioned as a formal recognition of the competency I have
acquired in breastfeeding guidance, but since helping women establish
breastfeeding is the main thing midwives deal with post partum, it's not as
though my IBCLC certification opened up a whole new area of practice to me.
But as several of you have noted, if the IBLCE scope of practice can be
basically disregarded by an IBCLC like me, and does nothing except hog-tie
any IBCLC who is a pure, direct-entry IBCLC, then what is the point of
having the credential at all? I'm not accustomed to feeling this dense or
slow on the uptake, and it plagues me.
I am feeling more disillusioned than usual about this today, and if anyone
has any arguments for why we should continue to pay IBLCE good money for
this credential, instead of using that money to stay up to date so we can
help women better, I would like to hear them.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Gonneke van Veldhuizen, IBCLC
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