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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
"Jaye Simpson, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Oct 2006 19:06:34 -0700
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (183 lines)
Hi All,


(Warning:  Intentional use of humor to offense meant or


I firmly disagree with this statement and am sorry to hear you see it this
way:  <<This discussion has turned into an "us vs. them" discussion and for
a group who professes to be so professional, that's pretty
disappointing...<snip> But let's cut the criticism.>>


I don't see that it has turned into that at all.  Interesting that here we
are, as a group, being directly criticized.interesting.I thought we were
supposed to not do that.


At any rate, what I feel we are seeing is a frank (and very professional)
discussion of the facts which, in addition to the seriously negative
implications of the SoP, are: 


There are those out there in the medical field (MD/RN/etc.) who sit the
exam, for whatever their reasons, pass, and there are IBCLC's out there
practicing - yet they don't know any more than my 9 yr old son about
breastfeeding and are out there causing harm.  


There are those out there (both in and outside the medical field) who are
practicing as and calling themselves LC's (but aren't) who don't know any
more about breastfeeding than my 9 yd old son and are causing harm.  Then
again, since my 9 yr old BF for 4.5 yrs, remembers BF and hears me talk to
BF mommies all the time maybe he knows more than those people do!  Now THAT
is a scary thought!


There are those in the medical field and those who are not (like me and many
others on this list) who sit and pass the exam and do great work - they
really know their stuff.  


And there are those who have no certification, are not in the medical field
and have not taken the exam, yet give great information and assistance and
support to BF moms.  


And finally on this topic:  <<I find it difficult to believe that the person
you describe would ever have the time, energy or be able to document the
2500 hours necessary to sit for the IBCLC exam. Get real!>>


Ooh, a sarcastic comment!  :-)  People, this happens even tho we may not
want to believe it.  I have seen it first hand. (yes I filed a complaint -
it was blown off - don't get me started...) People do unethical things that
sometimes don't make much sense because they are human.  People get
certifications they don't necessarily want or even value in order to improve
their job pay or look better than they are or whatever reason they have.
Simple fact of, eh?  Sorry, bad pun there...


Another statement I personally take contention with:  <<As far as dropping
one's credential and then going on to practice as a "professional lactation
consultant", that's probably just the kind of activity that the IBLCE is
trying to avoid.>>


Well, if this is what the IBLCE is trying to avoid then they need to change
things pretty darn quick don't they.  I like the attack on my words as the
reason IBLCE put out this new SoP tho - nicely played!  (Oh wait, sorry, now
I'm using sarcasm - maybe I shouldn't use that...just a little "roll the
eyes" humor there folks...laugh - or at least chuckle!  Groan??  Ok, smack
me next time you see me...)  Anyway, I don't see anyone criticizing the idea
of practicing as a "Breastfeeding Coach" (neat idea, btw!).  So, either it
is a personal thing about me OR it is just the fact that I am stating that I
will use the terms "Lactation Consultant" <gasp!> with 'Professional'.
Sadly, there is no law stating that I cannot use the term Lactation
Consultant without being board certified.  Believe me, I would prefer to be
board certified, but if the new SoP makes it impossible for me to do my job
- then what is the point of recertifying?  And since it is my words that are
being used here, can they please be used (quoted) correctly?  I never said I
would DROP my certification.  I said I would not recertify if the SoP
stands.  What point would there be?  I would not be able to do my job.  But
since I am scheduled to recertify in 2010 - I think I have time to make that
final decision.  BTW - I am very much for anyone calling themselves an LC to
be IBCLC...always have been - but if an IBCLC can't do her job...well -
Catch 22...


Our discussion about the SoP was called 'flap' and it was suggested that we
sit back and wait and see.  1 - To me, this is not flap.  This is valid
concern (and that was noted) and professional discussion that (at least I
feel) needs to occur.  2 - Sit back and wait and see?  Absolutely NOT.
IBLCE needs to hear us and hear us loud and clear or, while we are all
sitting back waiting to see, nothing will be done.  I will continue to talk
to others who are not on Lactnet so that they too have the option of having
their voices heard, and I will continue to spread the word as best as I can
in my little world so that IBLCE hears ALL of US.  We must be that squalling
baby demanding appropriate 'food' and care in order to have a healthy and
happy life.  Otherwise, we will starve and die.


As I (and many others) have posted before, as it stands right now, with the
current SoP in place, IBCLC's cannot do their jobs as specified in our
Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics because they are in direct
conflict/contradiction with the Scope of Practice.  Period.  So, if it
stays, then what do we all do?  Personally, I practice ethically and
appropriately - I'll work as what I already am - a Professional Lactation
Consultant - with or without the IBCLC certification.  I, without question,
would prefer to work with it.  However, if the SoP is still in place when I
recertify (2010) I cannot ethically recertify.  Please don't suggest I find
other work or get more schooling - this is MY LIFE WORK and I don't have the
time, money or desire for more schooling to get into the medical field (be
an RN or something).  I am a Lactation Consultant.  When people ask me to
tell about myself that comes out before I say I am a MOM.  I live and
breathe Lactation.  Heck, I have a shirt that says "All Grown Up and Still
Fascinated by Nipples"!!  Yes, I wear it in public... :-D  I much prefer
certification - I prefer a governing body - I prefer boundaries, guidelines
and a Scope of Practice that makes sense and is consistent with the
Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.  Things need to be adjusted - now.


Well All, have a nice night.  I just got a call from a mommy (of a barely 2
day old) in pain with level 9 L-O pain and a level 6 nursing pain with scabs
and bleeding whose nurses at hospital told her everything with the latch
looked great so just hang in there and handed her a nipple shield and a list
with my number on it - the list was a good thing!  I'll go see her bright
and early Sunday morning and see how I can help her without violating the
new SoP.  Wish me luck...Not sure I can do it.  Had to violate it already by
giving her information on how to treat those scabby, bleeding nipples with
Polysporin...there I go, recommending treatment for a medical condition and
recommending the use of a drug with which to treat appropriately...hmmm...


Folks, apologies for the humor - no offense meant, intended or implied with
any of my comments - just trying to lighten the mood a bit...





Naughty little LC...naughty girl...go to your room now... 

Yes mom... ;-D  





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