I am expanding my beekeeping and it looks like I would benefit from using frame spacers. This far I have just taken one frame out and spaced the frames by hand. I have to do this to get the frames thicker so that the uncapper does a proper job. Spacer is less work and most likely gives better outcome when the work is done by a temporary worker. Sometimes they are not motivated to do things exactly right way. Also I think that I would get less leaking honey after transport if the frames are hold in the right place by spacers.
Now I would like to get advice for two questions
1. I know most beekeepers keep 9 frames in 10 frame honey box, but some individulas have only 8. What is the practical disadvantage of having just 8 ? Should I go for just 8 ?
2. There is no one in this country selling ready made metal spacers. What is the easiest way to do them by myself ? I need about 2000, so I am willing to do some kind of simpe jig if it makes the work easier.
Ari Seppälä
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