"ed" said:
> This might seem a bit of a stretch, but I suggest that there is a more
> gentle and compassionate perspective that could prove realistic in viewing
> varroa which could be called "compassionate destruction". Perhaps someday
> we will spray a solution into our hives that contains a bacteria/virus
> kills varroa but is harmless to bees. I know this idea has been raised at
> least once on this list, does anyone know of research that points to a
> solution here?
Two points:
1. Yes, there is work currently in progress (about 6 miles away from me) on
the use of fungi to kill varroa.
2. Can being killed by a fungus be considered gentle or compassionate
destruction? (I only ask the question - personally I would be happy for
varroa to be eliminated by any means!)
Peter Edwards
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