Hello All,
I was told tonight Dr. Marla Spivak is taking delivery of SMR queens next
week to try to incorporate into her line of hygienic queens. In searching
the archives I found only two hits on SMR bees. Allen Dicks and mine.
Please share any new information with the list about this exciting new
I was told my friend Lloyd Spears impressed the *locals* with his
presentation on pollen collecting at the event today. If you are reading
this post Lloyd I will try and call in the morning and maybe we can meet
before you fly back home or at least talk on the phone. I ventured out
tonight to meet with Michael Vanarsdale(commercial beekeeper from Nebraska)
for the first time since my surgery. Michael and his wife *Chris* are in
town staying with Glenn & Joanne Davis of *Bell Hill Honey*. Michael &
Chris gave the presentations on beeswax at the event today.
Sounds like I missed out on a fun and informative beekeeping event.
Ps. the funday is a annual event. There were many other speakers including
Dr. Chip Taylor and Gary Ross