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geoff carver <[log in to unmask]>
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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 22:34:48 +0200
text/plain (188 lines)
a different type of anthropology - something to think about -

[log in to unmask] schrieb:
> Anti-Arab bigotry flows from Usenet (WEB)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:47:20 EDT
> >From David Goldman Executive Director of HateWatch.org : As we mourn the
>  horrific loss of life from yesterdays terrorist attack and seek out those
>  who committed this act of unspeakable evil, we must also gird ourselves
>  against hate mongers who wish to exploit this tragedy for their own ends. We
>  must fight those bigots who wish to target members of the Arab or Muslim
>  communities, simply for being Arab or Muslim. We must not let racists
>  exploit our fear and rage, or allow silence to empower their intolerance.
>  This simply must not occur. Below is a small, unedited sampling of the
>  anti-Arab and Muslim bigotry flowing from some Usenet groups today. We must
>  stand up and speak against these bigots, these terror parasites. While it is
>  good to remember that hate is "highly contagious", in order to inoculate
>  ourselves against it we must first look hate in the face, and not flinch...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=759
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't rush to blame, Arab-Americans urge (USA)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:17:50 EDT
> Almost as soon as the planes slammed into the World Trade Center, the
>  threatening calls began at the Washington headquarters of the Arab American
>  Institute.Anonymous callers threatened retribution and offered sarcastic
>  compliments on the attacks. The building was evacuated, but managing
>  director Jean AbiNader stayed behind to deal with the all-too-familiar
>  backlash that follows terrorist incidents.It follows with certainty when
>  lives are lost in suspected acts of political violence, and for the nation's
>  estimated 3 million citizens of Arab descent, the result ranges from slurs
>  to unwarranted scrutiny by law enforcement officers, AbiNader said...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=758
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Say no to hate (Editorial)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:13:15 EDT
> An editorial by Carol Towarnicky member of the Philadelphia Daily News
>  editorial board : "I cannot comprehend the hatred that inspired some
>  Palestinians to celebrate mass murder yesterday. Grinning children waved
>  Palestinian flags in glee, their parents applauded and passed out candy to
>  passers-by.The joy on their faces was nauseating, and enough to stir even
>  reasonable people to anger, even rage. But it's an urge we must resist,
>  because the kind of hatred we see on the streets of the West Bank is highly
>  contagious. We must inoculate ourselves against catching it."...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=757
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> U.S. Muslims fear backlash after attacks (USA)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:07:12 EDT
> AP reports that Muslims worried about a possible backlash against them after
>  Tuesday's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, while
>  clergy from other denominations urged their congregations to pray for the
>  dead.On Tuesday, he recalled the attacks against his fellow Muslims after
>  that 1995 bombing by disgruntled army veteran Timothy McVeigh. The Council
>  on American-Islamic Relations says more than 200 Arab- and Muslim-Americans
>  were victimized."Please do not start speculating and pointing the finger at
>  us," said Khankan, a New York leader of the council...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=756
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Arab-Americans Reporting Threats (CA)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:03:27 EDT
> AP reports that Arab- and Muslim-American groups in California reported
>  threats and outbursts of hatred on Tuesday in response to the terrorist
>  attacks in New York and Washington. "We have been receiving very intense
>  threats on our answering machines at our offices," said Michel Shehadeh,
>  West Coast regional director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination
>  Committee. "It's from people we don't know. They don't know who we are. They
>  just targeted us because we are an American-Arab organization, and that is
>  the scary part. "We feel very vulnerable right now."
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=755
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Renewed prejudice looms as next fear (USA)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 07:00:56 EDT
> Detroit Free Press  reports that it was a sad, somber and tense day for Arab
>  Americans across metro Detroit.They reacted with shock and outrage over
>  Tuesday's terror attacks, as other Americans did. But they also feared they
>  would again become the victims of prejudice, of a racist sense they were not
>  part of America.It was not yet clear who was responsible for the attacks.But
>  some Arab Americans said they received threatening phone calls. Others said
>  they feared their images would be tarnished. And some quietly despaired
>  about what this means for their future in America...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=754
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Purge our society," online bigots shout (WEB)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 06:54:07 EDT
> Salon reports that the Internet was stretched to capacity this morning as the
>  world went online seeking updates on the national disaster. With many of the
>  Net's news sites -- CNN, MSNBC and Fox News -- struggling to stay online in
>  spite of overloaded servers, people flooded to their online communities,
>  mailing lists and chat rooms to find information, solace and, in some cases,
>  an audience. And while most online reactions have focused on expressions of
>  emotional support and pleas for calm, there is also evidence that in many
>  online communities, Muslim-Christian relations already are breaking down --
>  as posters, assuming the attacks are the work of Islamic radicals, lash out
>  in fury...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=753
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> A Random Act of Pointlessness (Essay)
>     Wednesday, September 12 @ 00:23:51 EDT
> <I>A member's essay by Denise Clay</i> : UNTHINKABLE! That was the headline
>  of the special edition of the Bucks County Courier Times that was put out to
>  give local residents the freshest information on the plane crashes at the
>  World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a town near Pittsburgh in western
>  Pennsylvania. I would have given it another headline.
> UN-BE-FUCKING-LEAVABLE! That was what I said when I got the news. I’m
>  currently covering a teacher’s strike in one of Bucks County’s school
>  districts and was at the union’s offices trying to find out information on
>  negotiations. Instead, I got information on the plane crashes...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=751
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Iraq Gloats Over U.S. Attacks as 'Fruit of Crimes' (IRQ)
>     Tuesday, September 11 @ 23:30:37 EDT
> Reuters reports that Iraqi state television on Tuesday hailed the attacks on
>  the Pentagon and the World Trade Center as the ''operation of the century''
>  which the United States deserved because of its ``crimes against humanity.''
>  "The American cowboy is reaping the fruits of his crimes against humanity.
>  It is a black day in the history of America, which is tasting the bitter
>  defeat of its crimes and disregard for peoples' will to lead a free, decent
>  life,'' it said in a commentary monitored by the British Broadcasting
>  Corporation. The collapse of U.S. centers of power is a collapse of the U.S.
>  policy, which deviates from human values and stands by world Zionism at all
>  international forums to continue to slaughter the Palestinian Arab people
>  and implement U.S. plans to dominate the world under the cover of what is
>  called the new order. These are the fruits of the new U.S. order,'' it
>  said...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=750
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Some celebrate terrorist attack on US (LEB)
>     Tuesday, September 11 @ 22:25:11 EDT
> The Washingtonpost reports that thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank
>  and Gaza Strip cheered the attack, distributing candy and firing weapons in
>  a show of glee over what they described as a retaliatory blow against U.S.
>  cooperation with Israel. Palestinians in refugee camps in Lebanon fired
>  weapons into the air in celebration."The people here are gloating over the
>  American grief," said Emad Salameh, a 29-year-old taxi driver in Gaza. "This
>  is revenge from Allah," said Khaled Saada, a 25-year-old clothing store
>  owner in Gaza City...
> http://www.hatewatch.org/article.php?sid=749
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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katja kliemann
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