
#1 prepare her to pump and protect the milk supply.  Consider having
some human milk from milk bank on hand in case infant needs early
supplementation in addition to mother's own colostrum.  These babies get
lots of ear infections and human milk is critical and exclusive is
always better.
#2 know that exclusive direct breastfeeding with cleft of palate is not
often realistic. Cleft of lip only is much easier to work with.  With
lip defect only position so breast or mom's finger can fill the defect.
#3 Medela has a great little booklet "Give us a littel more time" or
something like that with good pictures.  Written by the Swiss who
apparently use obturators much more than the US so may not be totally
applicable if her cleft team is of the "obturators don't work"
#4 Sara Danner also has good stuff on clefts.   She has published a
booklet and is speaking next week at the Clefts, Clips and Cups
conference in New Mexico.  Maybe tapes will be available???
#5 have a Haberman for supplementing on hand if it is a palate defect,
they have been the only thing to allow comfortable feeding for the few
babies I have worked with.  They also look "normal" which is important
for parents suffering from the emotional impact of a different looking
infant - thanks to Barbara Clay for that excellant point made recently
in Atlanta conference (I'm in midst of listening to the audiotape while
driving now).  BSC did this conference, maybe audio tapes are still
available.  Great tape so far ...
#6 Feeding tube devices like SNS or jerry rigged immitations can also be
used to supplement at the breast.
#7 Finger feeding is also good (but "odd" looking in public or to
already upset parents"
#8 Jack's breast compression may also help
#9 has some breastfeeding information - go to main
page then to feeding link

Best Wishes, Carla