Dear Kathy,

I agree that personal stories can be very helpful when used appropriately
- I have done it myself and think that it enhanced the counselling
sessions.  It's all a matter of how and why the information is presented.
 Correctly done, it can help to reassure a new mother facing new
challenges/choices and trying to sort through conflicting information.
Done badly, it can leave a mother feeling even more insecure, intimidated
or unnecesarily guilty (yes, I think there can be unfounded guilt,
especially in the emotionally distraught mother with a limited base of
knowledge).  I still believe that good counselling skills are just as
important as a solid knowledge/skill foundation when it comes to being a
good lactation consultant.

Sharon Knorr, BSMT, LLLL, IBCLC in Newark, New York (near Rochester) USA
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