Green stools scream cows' milk protein allergy to me.  It could be a
foremilk-hindmilk imbalance though.  I'd bet allergy and remember that it
takes two to three weeks for dairy to clear the system (and this means ANY
cow dairy product disguised as casein, whey, lactose--even though they are
not all protein--just the casein is).  Also, between 50-80% of babies who
react to cows' milk also react to SOY.  The worst solution is putting baby
on formula.

If it is a fore/hind milk imbalance, make sure mom is "finishing the first
breast before switching."

: )Chris Hafner-Eaton, PhD, MPH, CHES, IBCLC  email: [log in to unmask]  : )
: )HSR & Health Educational Consultant        voice/fax: 541 753 7340   : )
: )------------**CHANGE THE WORLD, NURTURE A CHILD!**------------------ : )