I agree that we must help mothers achieve their goals even when
they seem unusual to us and in cases where a mother is about
to give up I always tell her that it doesn't have to be all or nothing.
Maybe she doesn't think she can nurse anymore today but she
may want to put the baby to the breast tomorrow and why does she
have to make a final decision today. When a mom is struggling I
suggest she take it one feeding at a time and do what she can do
for that feeding; seems to take the pressure off.

Had a phn tell one of my clients she had to make a decision one
way or the other. When I asked her how she felt about this she
said it seemed so final and she didn't want to give up bottles or
breast. She ended up doing both for over two years.

Many of my moms have had a rest from bf for a few days
(mostly moms with sore nipples ) but then gone on to have a
joyful experience.

Ruth Bacon IBCLC  in cold snowy Ontario