Despite its quaint sounding name, this product was, at the time my son was born
alomst thirteen years ago, essentially alcohol, along with dill flavouring.  I
remember the article in the Food Magazine about it -- stating that, weight for
weight, it was like giving the baby a tot of whiskey at each feed.

The formulation has changed, and doctors and women in England have moved on to
favour other drugs, e.g fenergan (anyone know what that is?) and infacol.

It may sound cute and quaint, but gripe water is a direct descendant of the use
of gin and laudenum for babies. My MIL could describe a woman she knew, in the
50's who was addicted, and her daughter was addicted, to gripe water.

Yes, I bought some.  My husband finished the bottle ( essentially like sweetened
Kummel or Aquavit, he reported).

I also remember when my son was about 12 months old, and I took him to the GP as
an "emergency" appointment (which means waiting until everyone else has gone to
see the doctor)...I was breastfeeding in the reception for about an hour.  The
doctor's receptionist recommended that I 'put a drop of brandy in his bottle to
sort him out'.

Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter
The Breastfeedign Network
Saddleworth, Greater Manchester, UK