Dear Dr. Andrew and all,
    I appreciated your comments on MD's lactation education, and
suspected something like that to be the case.  Dr.s know THOUSANDS of
things that I don't know and I don't expect them to know everything about
breastfeeding.  I have the good fortune of working in a teaching hospital
and most of the residents and staff MDs are quite receptive to teaching
about anything, including breastfeeding.  As a nurse I have sought and
paid for all of my specialty lactation education and LOVE working in this
field.  Some people love fishing or motorcycles...and I love
breastfeeding!  And I love helping parents get off to a good start!
    Keeping warm in Minnesota, the kids just brought in some more wood.
    Susan Potts RN IBCLC
    BTW I love the name Andrew, it is the only boy's name in the world my
hubby and I agreed on. Our Andrew is 9 years old and used to nurse his
teddy bear while I nursed his sisters.

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