I vote that the baby is not bf EFFECTIVELY. Latch may seem ok, but may
not be. The fullness and leaking are reassuring somewhat but maybe mom
is having some engorgement as baby not getting the milk out. The red
flags are:
1. nursing all day - okay if baby shows satiety pc and pooping
adequately and gaining of course
2. sleeping all nite - would be atypical at this age but okay if baby
gaining well and milk supply good (don't see how it could be at 2 wks;
also not good for birth spacing)
3. no poops - not okay; also is baby jaundiced? I would think so.
1. feed the baby - several methods to choose from - while you
2. fix the bf (position, latch)- and at the same time
3. preserve milk supply - expressing
4. follow wets, poops, weight
5. if this doesn't work quickly look for other causes - remember
previous posts about when you hear hoofbeats look for horses not zebras.

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Hospt LC
Violet Louisiana, USA
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