I would like to pass along my experience and those of others with whom I have
spoken regarding infrequent stooling in the two-month-old breastfed baby.

Both of my babies reacted to my overactive let-down.  Neither of them stooled
frequently, maybe once every two weeks from eight weeks on.  At first the
stools were frothy, then began to be exceptionally thick and lumpy, even
though the babies were completely bf .  I continued to offer one breast at a
time, letting the baby take the lead in ending the feeding:  whether that
meant the feed was ended after one breast or two.  The weight gain was fine;
slightly above average.

This pattern continued until solids were begun.   Although the stooling
pattern was atypical for breastfed babies,  I came to accept that the pattern
was "normal" for my babies.  Also consider that when women mention what they
consider to be a "problem" to the ped, the ped often interprets this as a need
to intervene, suggest, or "fix".

I know this is anecdotal, but hope it helps.

Anne Boyd