Hi Lactnetters,
I am posting for a friend without access to internet or lactnet. She is
an RN, IBCLC looking for LC work. She says she has tried all avenues of
marketing her services to area hospitals and dr's offices, and WIC.
Another friend of hers suggested she post to lactnet for ideas. I have
info from archives of approaching the hosp where you already work, or of
starting a lactation program in a hosp, but this situation is different.
Any ideas or advice for my unemployed friend who wants to know who/how
to approach in a community for possible employment in the field of
lactation consulting? Hope this is ok for the list, private email
responses are fine, or perhaps others are interested?
Laurie for Maryleen

Laurie Wheeler, RN, MN, IBCLC
Violet Louisiana, USA
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