> I am wondering, though , again, about your suggestion to provide books to
> resident's library? Or a physician's office?
> ...no one buys my latest copies of Ruth Lawrence, Auerbach and Riordan,
> etc.
> Do professionals expect that others will pay for the latest pediatric
> as well? What is the difference here? ......
> I for one, am not interested in purchasing books etc to offices that can
> well afford them, and I do not believe that giving people resources that
> they are not interested in will *make* them interested.  It just goes in
> "read some day maybe.." pile.

Kathleen, again you make several excellent points.  I can certainly
understand your reluctance to provide BF texts to offices that can well
afford them, especially if you feel that there is noone interested.

Nobody buys me copies of Lawrence, A&R or Hale either. However  in one year
of residency I have received unsolicited at least 7 paper back texts
dealing with various categories of the "benefits" of  artificial feeding.
Drug companies routinely give out texts that deal with drug prescribing.  I
have given copies of my book out to residents receiving ABM feeding books
as a way of providing "a balance" - I have also given copies to residency
directors asking them if they use something similar when they teach their
residents about breastfeeding {you should see the looks... "teach them
about what...breastfeeding?"}

Which brings me to my next point:  Residents are good people to teach about
BF.  They want to learn - especially if it's something they can envision
themselves needing to know.  Residency programs are not known for big
budgets and lets face it - right or wrong, a cardiology text or an
infectious disease text usually is purchased before a BF text.  A couple of
copies of Hale or an  A&R could go a long way...

It all depends on what you want to accomplish and the context in which a
resource is presented... how about a grand rounds with a few BF texts as
"door prizes"  that would get some attention...

How about it, Lactnetters, what can you come up with that would stir some

Gail Hertz, MD  [pediatric resident, Mommy, author of the little green
breastfeeding book for residents and owner of Pocket Publications]