I have searched the archives, but did not get exactly the information I was looking for.  Please send responses to me privately, since I believe these issues have been discussed.  (Also, any advice on accessing archives more effectively?  I seemed to find many references to questions/concerns about blebs, but didn't pull up any of the responses!)

I would like advice on recommended dosage of sage (tea, tincture, other form) and other milk suppressants, to help a mom reduce a very abundant milk supply (she is already using one breast/feed, baby is nursing well, gaining, and very content at about 2 weeks).  She would like to slow it down, but not too much.

My other question is re advice to (same) mom with a bleb, and shooting ductal pain, both following a course of antibiotics to treat a mastitis (occurred about 7-8 days post-partum).    Is there a relationship between blebs and thrush?  She is resistant to being treated for thrush, and to treating baby if it is not obvious that he is infected.

Any advice from your wonderful troves of knowledge are greatly appreciated!!

Thanks in advance.


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