Dear Linda, It sounds to me like your dept needs a lot more than posters!
You need some practice standards, the nurses then adhere to the standards
or get written up, period.  I do not buy the excuse that they are med surg
nurses in an OB area.  What if you as a OB nurse had to fill in over in med
surg.  Could you skip dressing changes or feeding the pt or turning s/he
every 2 hours.  If you omitted anything on med surg you would be called on
the carpet and told to mend your ways!  Same applies vice versa.  Talk  to
the nursing supervisor in OB and of the whole hospital.  Nurses are not
allowed to just do the parts of patient care that they want to.  They have
to do all parts.  Use your consumer pressure and new AAP guidelines.
Sincerely, Pat in SNJ