I thought that I would pass something this on to all of you who deal in any
capacity with moms who are trying to quickly dry up their milk supply.

I spoke to a dear friend today I hadn't seen in about two years, knowing she
had had a baby last August. She met with me privately to tell me the very sad
news that her newborn daughter had died within three weeks of birth.  She told
me she had pumped the entire three weeks, and when her daughter died, she
wanted to get rid of her milk in a hurry.  She couldn';t find one person to
give her any workable suggestions. Finally her midwife said, "Why not try
sage?" She drank one cup of sage every 2 hours for 24 total hours.  She said
that it dried up every mucous membrane in her body, and that her milk was gone
in a flash.

I know that some of you out there already know about this weaning remedy, but
for those of you who don't, or have heard about the use of sage and weren't
sure about it, apparently it works great.  And for a grieving parent, this is
an important thing to know.
Hope this helps someone.

Brenda Phipps, BS, IBCLC