One mother at a time, one nurse at a time...and it does take time...hang in
there.  Work on changing policy, no bottles to BF babies without an order
from HCP.  Work on mandatory attendance at BF workshops. Have a basic
course (UNICEF 18 hr) or self-study packets that each Maternal Child Nurse
must do to stay in that unit.  You need management back-up.  Form a BF
committee.  Don't pick all the people who already agree with you.  Go to
WABA web page and read the article on Transforming Health Colleagues into
BF Advocates <>  Share articles.
Show videos.  Make resources available. Leave them laying around all over
the unit.  It's an on-going process that never ends because new people join
the staff. Remember this is all about change and change scares people.
Your hosp. has just been through one really major change.  Be patient and
persistent.  Good luck! Sincerely, Pat in SNJ