Thought you might find this interesting, it's taken from an ad for
formula from a pharmaceutical company that no longer makes infant

"Breast milk is best for babies.  Infant formula is intended to replace
breast milk when mothers do not breast-feed. Good maternal nutrition is
important for preparation and maintenance of breast-feeding. Introducing
partial bottle-feeding before breast-feeding has been well established,
could negatively affect breast-feeding, and reversing a decision not to
breast-feed is difficult.  Professional advice should be followed on
infant feeding, infant formula should be prepared and used as directed.
Unnecessary or improper use of infant formula may present a health
hazard.  Social and financial implications should be considered when
selecting a method of infant feeding."

I believe that this ad was in a magazine for childbirth educators, it
wasn't in a mass market magazine....I tore it out of the magazine, so I
don't know where exactly it came from, but there's an ad for baby food on
the other side which says:New Parents have a lot to learn, and they look
to you for advice. Then it says "Parents should ask their health-care
provider early about baby's changing dietary requirements and when to add
baby foods. For teaching aids to introduce this important topic to you
classes, write to:.......Medical Services Dept
Any thoughts?

Pearl Shifer, IBCLC

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