If any of our Web Surfers out there find the actual article that contains this
I have several moms in a state of sheer panic
I want to reserve judgement on this one until I see the sample size and other
data.  (eg the study was done before the Back To Sleep program started and
Kathy D pointed out.)
Wasn't there something about a year or so ago that said small amounts of
caffeine in pregnancy might prevent preterm labor or was I dreaming?

A case I referred to an OT last week, had the weirdest suck I've ever seen.
Baby is slow weight gain because of the sucking problem.  This little kid
can't  get enough nourishment from a bottle, spoon or feeding cup to put on
weight. Anyway the OT wrote on the report "May be at high risk for Otitus
Media" in direct relation to the sucking problem: High arching of the
posterior tongue.
Something to think about with repeated ear infections
Marie Davis