An article on the "Breastfed kids are brighter" study from Pediatrics Jan
98 even made the Dayton Daily News.

Six years ago I was labeled a "zealot" by a senior official in my state
health department for saying and writing simiar ideas. How the worm turns,
eh? I wanted to clip the article and stuff it in his... er, hand.

Could it be that we've won? The combined efforts of all breastfeeding
advocates round the world, has actually turned the tide toward
acknowledging normal infant feeding? Dare we hope?  Somehow I'm not ready
to coast quite yet. There's bound to be a backlash from those whose
financial well-being will NOT like this.  (So call me a sceptical zealot

Anyway, the article will be one MORE nail in the ABM-is-just-as-good
coffin. By the way, IMHO, improving formula is not contrary to our purposes
- it's in the best interest of children's health for those who don't,
won't, can't, and shouldn't breastfeed. There will always be some in that
category no matter how good a job we do.

Linda Smith, BSE, FACCE, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio