Quick, check that mom's Hgb.   I would bet it is just fine.  When the baby
exits, and the blood volume shrinks back to normal, the PP bleeding stops,
the iron usually recovers to a normal level.   Anyway, more is not better.
 Taking 36 mg is twice the RDA, and seeing a dietition about her diet may
help if it is still low.   Taking that much iron for any length of time can
cause copper imbalance and other problems.   Yeech.  Vitamins and minerals
are like medications and should be treated as such.  Michelle Scott,
RD,MA,IBCLC in wintery NH where I crosscountry skiied twice last week...

Patricia Gima said:
>I saw a mom whose newborn is not stool every day.
> Ped's rectal exam concluded that baby's stools were pasty.
>Baby is feeding well and intake seemed adequate. Mom has even stepped up
>the feedings to ensure adequate intake. Mom was anemic during last
>trimester and was taking 325mg of iron. Mom had a C-Sec and is still
>taking 325mg of iron a day.