In a message Willow wrote:

<<...... mom has relatively large, soft, *very* elastic breasts, and it was
immediately evident that her ductile tissue tends to just slip away from your
fingers -- or baby's gums -- or the pump please feel free to
give me your suggestions>>

Yes, I too see this problem when mom's arm and baby are not well supported
(ie:  on pillows). As mom relaxes during the feeding, if her arm and baby are
well supported, the baby stays in good position and deeply latched. In the
case of pumping: mom's arms well supported and a pillow under the bottles to
give support. May help flow during pumping to hold bottle with one hand and
massage breast with other hand.

Relaxation techniques for feedings, or pumping: comfortable and well
supported positioning,  soothing music, warm decaf tea to sip, lightly stroke
mom's shoulders and give a verbal suggestion to "just let that tension go",
"feel that tension flowing down your arms and out your fingertips",
effleurage stroking of breast towards nipples, in a very soothing, soft tone
of voice say to mom "close your eyes and take a nice relaxing cleansing
breath", (you take a deep breath along with her),  then say to mom "now
imagine rivers of milk, flowing towards your nipples". She'll smile and open
her eyes looking as if in a dreamy state of mind. Tell her what you observed
as indications that she was relaxing (positive reinforcement). This then may
be a good lead in opportunity to offer suggestions to family/support persons
of what they can do towards setting a relaxing environment/atmosphere.
