I sent this before I read Laurie Wheeler's admonition about choosing our
battles. Oh, well.

To Time Magazine:

When you showed the two versions of the recent Redbook cover showing Pierce
Brosnan and family, surely you didn't mean to suggest that while the one
was tasteful, the other was tasteless? Yes, I can understand that the
cleverness of the word usage might have been tough to resist. But the
thought that your editorial staff might  see the breastfeeding relationship
between mother and child as something pornographic ... well, it just leaves
a bad taste in my mouth. Increasing breastfeeding in our country to 75% by
the year 2000 - what a delicious idea! Improved infant health would
decrease healthcare costs, leaving taxpayers with more bread in their
pockets. There's an idea for your readers to chew on.


Bonny Nothern, IBCLC
President, Massachusetts Lactation Consultant Association