I'm working with our regional NICU to institute more 'baby friendly'
policies.... many moms seem to get into pumping to give their baby the
best, or perhaps they'd planned to bf their baby, but it came early...
If they've had no experience with successful bf before, my experience is
that they
1) get home and are overwhelmed by the work load of pumping and feeding
and caring for the baby and by the time the baby is 'term' they give
or ...
2) get so into the numbers of ounces or ccs and knowing that the baby
will sleep for x amount of time if they get so much in... that they
can't give up toe bottling

Our regional NICU is *trying* ... changing the way they educate moms re
bf, educating an RN as a lactation educator, encouraging pumping,
gaining confidence in the nutritional competency (we're not all quite
there yet) of bmilk, getting the baby to breast early... even before the
baby is 'ready to bottle', .... they "see no nipple confusion" and are
not ecstatic about the concept of cup feeding... they tried it once or
twice and weren't convinced....  They don't think that they do 'anything
different than other NICUs around the country'..... but are willing to
listen/think/consider alternatives/changes, if I get them some more

I tried to search the archives... using the instr sent previously, so I
wouldn't repeat a previous conversation... but when I write  SEARCH NICU
I get:
Archives are not available for the LACNET list.
so I'll post my ? and If anyone ,knows what I'm doing wrong, please
e-mail me privately, my software situation does not allow me to get the

does anyone have any good sources, contacts, texts, articles re
effective encouragement of bf in the NICU.... what can we reasonably
expect our long term breast feeding rate to be in these little ones who
need the immune protection the most??  (I'm going to check LACNET... )
Is this a problem/issue for others?
what are you doing in your communities/hospitals/NICUs to encourage
breast feeding?

thanks much
Grace Heitsch, MD, FAAP
Duluth Clinic Ashland
1625 Maple Ln.
Ashland, WI  54806
fax: (715)682-2481
e-mail [log in to unmask]

Grace Heitsch, MD, FAAP
Duluth Clinic Ashland
1625 Maple Ln.
Ashland, WI  54806
fax: (715)682-2481
e-mail [log in to unmask]