        I, too, wrote a fax to Dr.Laura the day she aired this call, 6 June
97. But I DO NOT recall her saying she was relieved to quit, rather she was
disappointed to "HAVE TO" stop as bfing was so much easier, no mixing,
always ready and available... I believe she made a comment to the effect of
"you can just whip it out" etc.
        What I was more concerned with was her query, "why would anyone need
a breastfeeding support group" when the caller explained her situation and
then her comment about "having to quit at three months for 'medical'
reasons" (my guess is it was mastitis, like Kathie Lee Gifford with her first).
        So before anyone else writes please get a copy of the show first to
verify what was said. Dr. Laura can be your best advocate, but she can also
do the lactation community disservice by making a point about someone
jumping on her unfairly. She's sooooooooooo pro mothers mothering their own
kids that I pointed out breastfeeding is an ideal way for each woman to "be
her kids' mom" as her saying goes...
        I pointed her in the direction of some of the work available on why
women need bfing support -- I never got a response, but then she's very
clear that she does not respond to mail unless she uses it on air bc of the
sheer volume of mail she recieves...


Anne E. Robb, MAT, LLLL
Off on a Tangent, Oregon, USA
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